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Entry into force: 01.04.2014
Type: Notice A

Translation: Only the Faroese version has legal validity


Under the provisions in section 2 subsection 2, section 6 subsection 2, section 7, section 9 and section 49 in Parliamentary Act No. 165 from 21 December 2001 on Safety at Seawith later amendments, and in consultation with the Minister, the following shall be laid down:


Section 1. This Notice from the Faroese Maritime Authority shall apply to:

-          All Faroese ships with a scantling number1)of 20 or above, however, with the exception of pleasure vessels used for non-commercial purposes and vessels which usually do not operate outside ports, rivers, lakes or protected waters.

-          All Faroese ships irrespective of size, sailing with passengers.


Section 2.  Ships that are comprised by this Notice shall carry one of the medicine chests2)mentioned in section 3, relevant publication for the medicine chest in question and supplement (Inventory, Control Document and User Instructions3), a copy of the Danish Maritime Authority’s  Medical book  and Radio Medical record.

Subsection 2. The Faroese Maritime Authority may, if necessary, stipulate the content of medicine chest C to any possible specific Faroese circumstances.

Subsection 3.  Possible changes and adjustments of medicine chests will be published on the Faroese Maritime Authority’s homepage www.fma.fo

The medicine chest

Section 3. The type of medicine chest depends on the ship’s approved trade area and the number of persons on board as stipulated below:

Medicine chest Ashall be on board Faroese ships that shall not carry below mentioned medicine chest B or C, moreover on board on Faroese passenger ships holding a permit to carry more than 100 passengers and engaged on voyages of more than 4 hours’ duration.

Ships that shall be provided with medicine chest A  medical equipment shall carry the user instructions in the publication and the medical book in English4)if non Danish speaking crewmembers are signed on the ship.

If non Danish-speaking crewmembers are engaged on board the ship, the user instruction in the publication for medicine chest A and the Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book shall be available in English4)

Medicine chest Bshall be on board Faroese ships navigating at a distance of less than 150 nautical miles from the nearest port that has the necessary medical equipment and may give the medical treatment necessary. The distance may be extended to include ships navigating at a distance of less than 175 nautical miles provided that the ship is within the radius of a rescue helicopter at all times.


Medicine chest Cshallbe provided on board Faroese ships with a limited sailing permit to GMDSS radio area A1. Fishing vessels with a sailing permit to GMDSS radio area A2 for the period 1 April to 30 September may, however, operatein sailing area F4 with medicine chest C on board according to Notice F  from the Faroese Maritime Authority.

Ships provided with medicine chest C carrying dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code), and which shall be provided with supplement P shall furthermore carry mobile resuscitation equipment (mobile resuscitation equipment) cf. appendix 1 in this Notice.

Supplement to the medicine chest

Supplement type CR

All life boats and life rafts on board shall be equipped with medicaments and medical equipment in accordance with the applicable publication Inventory, Control Document for Medicaments and Medical Equipment type CR. Instead of using one publication for every boat, one common publication which applies to all the life boats and life rafts on board may be used.

The medicaments and medical equipment in supplement type CR shall be kept in a water-proof packing labelled Supplement Type CR in a conspicuousway and with information on the expiration date for the medicament that expires first.

Medicaments which are delivered in glass containers shall be coated.

Supplement type CR shall include the waterproof user instructions authorised by the Danish Maritime Authority, entitled Inventory of medicaments for life boats and life rafts.


Supplement type P

Passenger ships which hold a permission to carry more than 100 passengers and are engaged on voyages of more than 30 minutes’ duration shall also carry a first aid bag in accordance with the publication Inventory, Control Document and User instructions for Medicaments and Medical Equipment in first aid bags type P.

Medicaments and medical equipment for supplement type P shall, as far as possible, be taken from the ship’s medicine chest.


Supplement type M

On board ships that shall be equipped with Man-Overboard-Boats (hereinafter MOB boat), every MOB boat shall be equipped with medicaments and medical equipment as prescribed in appendix 2 for this Notice. These medicaments and medical equipment shall, as far as possible, be taken from the ship’s medicine chest. If the MOB boat is also used as a life boat, it shall, in addition also be equipped with medicaments and medical equipment for life boats as prescribed in supplement type CR.

Supplement for ships carrying dangerous goods

Ships holding a permit to carry dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code, shall also carry medicaments and medical equipment on board, in accordance with the supplement lists in the publication for the medicine chest in question.

Ships carrying dangerous goods, cf. the IMDG Code and the BC Code (Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes), shall also carry a copy of the MFAG ("Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods").


Supplement type F

Coast rescue vessels5)which are equipped with medicine chest C shall also carry medicaments and medical equipment mentioned in appendix 3 for this Notice.


Section 4. Further requirements to lifting stretchers on board ships, where such stretchers are required, are prescribed in appendix 4 for this Notice.





Purchase of the medicine chest

Section 5. The master and the medical examiner are obliged to ensure that the required medicine and medicine equipment is on board the ship.

Subsection 2. Only the medicaments and medical equipment mentioned in this Notice, besides possible personal prescribed medicaments according to section 13, shall be on board the ship.

Subsection 3. The required quantity of medicaments and medical equipment shall always be available in the medicine chest when leaving port. If content of the medicine chest is used considerable during a voyage, the medicine chest shall be filled up again at first given opportunity.

Subsection 4. The stipulated quantity of medicaments and medical equipment according to this Notice is minimum requirement. The master shall decide in each individual case whether or not to carry a greater quantity on board the ship than that stipulated.


Section 6. The first purchase and delivery of the medicine chest in accordance with this Notice shall be from a Faroese pharmacy, however, with the exception of:

1)      New buildings from an EU/EEC country that may purchase the medicine chest from the EU/EEC country in question in accordance with the EU regulation in force on medicine chests on board ships (the EU-medicine chest6) or in accordance with the instructions on medicine chest according to Notices A from the Danish Maritime Authority.

2)      Ships that change from foreign flag to Faroese flag may keep their present medicine chest provided that the medicine chest complies with the EU or Danish requirements mentioned under item 1).


Section 7. The medicine chests may be filled at other pharmacies than the Faroese pharmacy on the condition that the medicaments and medical equipment have the correct labelling in accordance with the instructions given in the inventory in force and supplements to this Notice.


Section 8. The requisition of medicaments and medical equipment for the medicine chest, shall be requested in writing by the shipowner or master. The requisition shall contain clear information on which type of medicine chest and /or supplement the requisition concerns.

Subsection 2. The Faroese Maritime Authority may require shipowners or masters to document that the purchase of medicaments and medical equipment will be used for the prevention of disease and treatment of persons on board the ship.


Section 9. Manufacturers of inflatable life rafts, and managers of service stations carrying out inspection and re-packing of such rafts, may in writing and on presentation of authorization from the Faroese Maritime Authority request to have the medicaments and medical equipment of supplement type CR supplied by a pharmacy.


Delivery of  medicine chest from the pharmacy

Section 10. The pharmacy shall deliver the required medicaments and medical equipment listed in this Notice on the request of the shipowner, master or entitled person in accordance with section 9.

Subsection 2. The pharmacy shall deliver the medicaments and the medical equipment with printed or type-written information on numbering/group number, content, usage, shelf-life etc. in accordance with the guide lines in the inventories beside documentation from the pharmacy for the delivered medicaments and medical equipment.

Subsection 3. When shipping the medicaments and medical equipment, the pharmacy shall ensure that they are properly packed and secured against the weather and condensed moisture. The pharmacy shall ensure that medicaments and medical equipment that have special requirements regarding storage temperature are stored properly during the transport.

Subsection 4. At the time of delivery from the pharmacy, medicaments and sterile medical

equipment shall always have at least 70% of their shelf-life. The quality shall comply with the applicable standard of the WHO issue of the Certification Scheme on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Products Moving in International Commerce.

Subsection 5. Medical equipment shall be CE-marked. Information about the medical equipment shall be in Faroese, Danish or English.


Receipt of medicine chest on board

Section 11. When receiving medicaments and medical equipment on board from a pharmacy, the  master or medical examiner shall check:

1)      that the content is in accordance with the provisions in the inventory

2)      that the medicaments and medical equipment are provided with text cf. section 10 subsection 2

3)      that the packing is intact and without damage from moisture, cf. section 10 subsection 4

4)      that the medicaments durability is in accordance with the provisions in section 10 subsection 5


Storage of medicine chest on board

Section 12. The medicaments and medical equipment shall be arranged and kept in accordance with the instructions given in the inventory in force and Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book.

Subsection 2. Medicaments and sterile medical equipment shall be kept in the original packing.

Subsection 3. Medicaments and medical equipment shall be stored in a place that is well protected against moisture, extreme cold and heat. The specific storage requirements stipulated in the user guidelines of the inventories shall be observed.

Subsection 4. Insecticides and antiseptics besides substances with corrosive properties may not be stored with medicaments and medical equipment.


Personal medicaments

Section 13. All crewmembers shall at engagement inform the master or medical examiner of any prescriptive medicaments that have been brought on board. Prescriptive medicaments that are brought along shall be recorded in the inventory and on the medical examiner´s request be deposited together with the ship´s other supply of medicaments.


Distribution of medicaments on board

Section 14. Medicaments may only be distributed by the master or medical examiner, and only to persons for whose care and condition of health the master is responsible according to maritime law.

Subsection 2. Before any medicaments are distributed, the special instructions under the provisions in sections 17, 18 and 22 to 24, the instructions of the user guidelines and on the label of the medicament shall be observed. If the medicament is not taken immediately after distribution, it should be distributed in a suitable package labelled with its name and recommended dose.

Subsection 3. To the extend possible, medicaments and medical equipment shall, not be taken out without consulting medical advice from ashore. In acute life-threatening situations when it is not possible to consult medical aid from ashoreimmediately, the necessary medication and other treatment should be given following an overall assessment of the state of the patient/injured. In such cases, the reasons hereof shall be recorded in the logbook. The records shall not contain confidential information.


Inspection of medicine chest

Section 15. The medicine chest and medical equipment shall be inspected at least once a year on the master’s initiative. The inspection may be carried out by pharmacy or on board the ship. Inspection carried out by the pharmacy shall be documented by the pharmacy and certified by the master. Inspection on board the ship may only be carried out by the master or person who has completed the training programme mentioned in section 26.

Subsection 2. The purpose of the inspection is to supplement the supply of medicaments and medical equipment and to ensure that the durability has not been surpassed and that the equipment or packing is not damaged or corroded. If there is any doubt as to the quality of medicament or medical equipment, this shall be replaced.

Subsection 3. The inspection of medicaments and medical equipment shall, in accordance with supplement type CR, be carried out in connection with the statutory service inspections of life boats/life rafts cf. section 9. In exceptional cases, the inspection may be postponed for a period of no more than 5 months. The inspection shall be documented by the person who carries out the inspection.


Section 16.  Mobile resuscitation equipment (Mobile resuscitation equipment), including oxygen cylinders fitted with a reduction valve, flow regulator, ventilation bag with an adult mask and associated tubing shall be tested and subjected to inspection at least every 3 months, cf. appendix I to this Notice.




Medical treatment on board

Section 17. The medical treatment on board shall be arranged and carried out according to the instructions given in the Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book.


Section 18. The medical examiner on board shall have the responsibility that Radio Medical records are kept on:

1)      every examination on board

2)      every treatment instruction from medical aid from ashore

3)      every treatment on board

4)      every issue of medicaments on board

5)      and from all such cases as described in the Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book

Subsection 2. Other information, examinations or treatment shall be recorded according to the prescriptions from medical aid from ashore.


Section 19. Only the master and the medical examiner have access to information in Radio Medical records. The patient shall, however, have access to his own Radio Medical records.


Section 20. At discharge, seafarers shall be given their own Radio Medical records. Passengers shall be given their own Radio Medical records at the end of the voyage. Copy of the mentioned records shall be kept on board for one year. If the ship is to be sold, etc., Radio Medical records shall be destroyed immediately.


Section 21. The shipowner8)shall ensure that the master and the medical examiner have been duly instructed about their duties and have the possibility of meeting the obligations that rest with them according to this part.

Subsection 2. The shipowner, master and medical examiner shall stay updated on changes and maintain the content of the medicine chest and other informative material concerning   ship medicines, medical equipment and medical treatment on board. Furthermore, they are obliged to inform the crew on health-promoting and informative campaigns on board, folders concerned, etc.  


Medical aid from ashore

Section 22. In the cases described in the Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book and in the Radio Medical records, the medical examiner shall, to the extent possible, consult medical aid from ashore.


Radio Medical Denmark

Section 23. All ships registered in the Faroese  International Ship Register (FAS) and all other ships that according to this Notice shall be provided with medicine chest A on board, however, with the exception of ships that usually are used for fishing or navigation within the Faroese 200 nautical miles fishing zone, are entitled to seek medical advice free of charge from Radio Medical Denmark9).

Subsection 2. Medical advice offered by Radio Medical Denmark shall be in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Danish Medical Legislation, the Danish Maritime Authority’s Radio Medical Instructions,  the Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book, the guidelines of the inventories and in accordance with agreement between the Faroese Maritime Authority and Sydvestjysk Sygehus/Radio Medical Denmark.

Subsection 3.The doctors at Radio Medical Denmark have the medical responsibility for the treatment given on board Faroese ships on their instructions or guidance.


Faroese generalpractitioners

Section 24. Ships that are not mentioned in section 23, subsection 1 may seek medical advice from Faroese general practitioners in accordance to below procedure:

1)      On weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., calls shall be made to  the general practitioner in the medical district where the patient resides or  the ship is registered

2)      On weekdays between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. and at all hours in the weekends and on holidays, call the Emergency Medical Assistance Centre at the National Hospital in Tórshavn telephone number 1870.

3)      In addition to the provisions in No. 1 and No. 2  above, the possibility remains to call MRCC-Tórshavn/The Emergency and Rescue Services at 112 in acute life-threatening situations and in situations that the master or medical examiner otherwise consider necessary.

Subsection 2. The generalpractitioners offer medical advice to ships in accordance with the Danish Maritime Authority’s Radio Medical Instructions, the Danish Maritime Authority’s medical book, and the guidelines of the inventories. In this respect, the general practitioners are obliged to stay thoroughly updated on the content of  medicine chest B and C, possible supplements, mentioned material from the Danish Maritime Authority and any specific circumstances applicable on board ships.

Subsection 3.The generalpractitioners are responsible for the medical treatment given on board ships in accordance with their guidance or instructions according to the legislation in force on medical practice and the provisions in this Notice.


Training- and educational requirements for medical examiners on board ships

Documented sailing time

Section 25.The medical examiner shall have at least 24 months of documented sailing time or hold a valid seafarer’s certificate of competency.

Subsection 2.  A medical practitioner or a nurse who have completed the training programme mentioned in section 26, may serve as medical examiner on board without having documented sailing time or seafarer’s certificate of competency.

Training programme and supplementary training

Section 26. The shipowner shall ensure that the master and the medical examiner on board have finished an approved training programme in medical examination, administration and handling of medicaments and medical equipment in accordance with this Notice, cf. however, subsection 4 and the transitional provisions in section 29.

Subsection 2. The training programme shall be renewed at least every fifth year.

Subsection 3.Approved training programme and supplementary training in an EU/EEC country complying with the minimum requirements in the STCW Convention10 A-VI/4-1 and 4-2 are considered equivalent to a Faroese approved training programme/supplementary training as medical examiner on board a ship.

Subsection 4. The requirements in section 25, subsection 1 and section 26 subsections 1 and 2 do not apply to fishing vessels below 15 metres in accordance with Notice F from the Faroese Maritime Authority. Instead the captain of  mentioned vessels shall hold the elementary first aid (elementary first aid in accordance with STCW A-VI/I-3) and is obliged to thoroughly orientate himself on the content and the usage of the medicine and the medicine equipment in medicine chest C according to the publication in question which always shall be kept on board the vessel.


Training programme- and supplementary educational requirements for medical examiners on board ships 

The ship’s trade area

Type of medicine chest

Training requirement in accordance with at least the international minimum requirements in STCW A-VI/4-1 and 4-2

Supplementary training – requires basictrainingin the medicine chest in question or more, or navigational training where the basic training is a part of the training programme.

Outside trade area which requires medicine chest B and C



Every fifth year

Up to 150 nautical miles from the coast, however, up to 175 nautical miles if the ship is within the radius of rescue  helicopter 


A or B

Every fifth year

Limited to GMDSS radio area A1, cf. however, fishing vessels below 15 metres in accordance with Notice F from the Faroese Maritime Authority


(Elementary first aid in accordance with STCW A-VI/I-3)

Every fifth year


Subsection 5.Training programme and supplementary training in medicine chest A and B may be arranged simultaneously.The elementary first aid mentioned in section 26 subsection 4 may be a part of the ordinary basic safety training for seafarers.




Section 27.Violation of the provisions in this Notice shall be punishable by a fine or prison sentence of up to one year.

Subsection 2. Companies, etc., (legal persons) may incur criminal liability pursuant to the provisions of chapter 5 of the penal code.

Entry into force and transitional provisions

Section 28. This Notice from the Faroese Maritime Authority shall enter into force on 1 January 2013 and replaces Bekendtgørelse nr. 431 af 19 juni 1989 om færøske skibes forsyning med lægemidler m.v. which at the same time will be repealed by executive order from the Minister in question.

Subsection 2.  Faroese ships that are comprised by this Notice, except the ships mentioned in section 6 No. 2), shall as soon as possible and no later than 1 January 2014 comply with the provisions in this Notice on medicine chests etc.

Subsection 3. The required  training programme mentioned in section 26 for medical examiner in the medicine chest in question, shall likewise be passed as soon as possible after the entry into force of this Notice and no later than 1 January 2014, however, with the modifications below:

1) medical examiners holding a master mariner- or skipper certificate from 2001 or later, shall have supplementary training as medical examiner within 5 years after their last attendance in supplementary training programme in the medicine chest in question.

2) medical examiners who have obtained a master mariner- or skipper certificate before 2001, shall as soon as possible after the entry into force of this Notice and no later than 1 January 2014 have passed the supplementary training as medical examiner in the medicine chest in question in accordance with this Notice.

3) the captain of  fishing vessels subject to Notice F from the Faroese Maritime Authority who have not been on  elementary first aid for the last five years, shall as soon as possible after the entry into force of this Notice and on 1 July 2014 at the latest have finished elementary first aid in accordance with STCW A-VI/I-3

The Faroese Maritime Authority 11 December 2012

Tommy Petersen, Director General

/Petur E. Nielsen, Senior legal adviser



Appendix 1 Provisions on mobile resuscitation equipment and oxygen cylinders


1.1The mobile resuscitation equipment consists of an oxygen cylinder fitted with a reduction valve, flow regulator, ventilation bag with an adult mask and associated tubing.


1.2The flow regulator shall, as a minimum, be capable of dosing the amount of oxygen in the interval between 0-1-2-3-6-9-12 and 15 litres of oxygen per minute.


1.3Spare gaskets shall be available for oxygen cylinders with a pin system.


1.4Furthermore, a tongue depressor and mechanical suction  with associated suction catheter and a reservoir shall be available. The suction shall be capable of operating without the use of the oxygen cylinder.


1.5The equipment shall contain clear operating instructions and first-aid instructions in case of heart failure.


2 The mobile resuscitation equipment shall be assembled and ready for use in an easily portable object.


3 The oxygen in the ship’s medicine chest is medical oxygen. When a specific amount of oxygen is stipulated in the inventory for the medicine chest – such as 4 litres in a B chest - this means 4 litres of oxygen below a pressure of at least 200 bar, corresponding to 800 litres “oxygen for use”.


4The oxygen cylinders of the mobile resuscitation equipment shall be able to contain between 2 and 4 litres. At a pressure of 200 bar, this is equal to the following content at atmospheric pressure:

2 litre cylinder 2 x 200 = 400 litres

4 litre cylinder 4 x 200 = 800 litres


5The oxygen in the mobile resuscitation equipment shall be divided in 2 cylinders of 2-4 litres. One shall be placed with the resuscitation equipment ready for use.


6 The mobile resuscitation equipment shall be tested and subjected to inspection at least every 3 months. The inspection shall be documented and certified by the master.


7 Oxygen cylinders shall be pressure-tested every tenth year.


Appendix 2 Medicine and medical equipment for MOB-boats (Supplement type M)


1.According to provisions of SOLAS, the LSA Code, chapter III, certain large ships shall carry a Man-Overboard-Boat (MOB boat). These boats shall be equipped with first-aid equipment with a relatively limited content as part of the ship’s complete equipment.


2.The contents shall, as minimum, be as follows:


2 Pressure dressings, approximately 8 cm

2 Absorbing dressings, approximately 20 x 30 cm

2 Unsterile elastic gauze bandages, approximately 4 cm x 4 m

2 Triangle scarves (Mitella)

1 Pair of solid clothing scissors

2 Unsterile disposable gloves, X-large

1 Pocket mask


3.The medical equipment shall be packed in a suitable and waterproof container/bag which is labelled with an expiration date.


4.The medical equipment shall be tested and inspected at least once a year. The inspection shall be documented and the documentation shall be available to the Danish Maritime Authority.


5.The Danish Maritime Authority (The Faroese Maritime Authority) will accept one of the market’s first-aid boxes or a box packed by the crew of the ship if the contents correspond with the above.


Appendix 3Supplement for medicaments and medical equipment for the rescue vessels (Supplement type F)


1.The coast rescue vessels, (i.e., coast rescue vessels comprised by the prevailing relevant Notice from the Faroese Maritime Authority) equipped with medicaments and medical equipment in accordance with type C, shall also have the following supplies:


1 Mobile resuscitation equipment in accordance with the regulations on mobile resuscitation equipment and oxygen cylinders in force of the Danish Maritime Authority, cf. appendix 1.

2 Inter-surgical masks, model no. 1115.

1 Tongue depressor, size 2.

1 Tongue depressor, size 3.

1 Tongue depressor, size 4.

1 pair of solid clothing scissors.

1 Inflatable splint, senior, the entire leg.

1 Inflatable splint, senior, the entire arm.

1 Stiff neck collar which can be set in different positions.

4 Hypothermia blankets.


Appendix 4 Requirements for lifting stretcher

1On board ships where a stretcher is required, there shall be a spinal board and a suitable lifting stretcher for transport of the spinal board.


2 The spinal board shall have the following specifications:


1 Measurements:

Useful length: minimum 1830 mm and maximum 1980 mm

Width: minimum 400 mm and maximum 500 mm

Depth: maximum 70 mm (folded)


2 Own weight:

The spinal board´s own weight shall be a low as possible and maximum 8 kg.


3 Carrying capacity:

The carrying capacity shall be minimum 150 kg.

4 Construction:

The spinal board shall be a robust lightweight construction with at least 3 handles on each long side

and at least 1 handle on the foot and the head of the spinal board.


The handles shall be easy to reach and provide a secure hold when lifting, lowering and carrying the spinal board.


5 The surface of the spinal board:

The surface of the spinal board shall be designed to hinder fluid penetration and to provide maximum support for the head, back, neck and stomach. The material shall be easy to clean, washable and contain mineral oil. It shall be able to stand temperatures of +70C to-30 °C.


6 Fastening device:

There shall be at least 4 quick-release means of securing the patient.


7 Flammability – toxic burning gas:

There shall not be smouldering or ignition by flame during an exercise in accordance with EN 1021-1.


8 Deformation of the spinal board:

The spinal board shall not be severely bent or break during a test in accordance with EN 1865:2 000, chapter 5.7.1.


9 Torsion:

The spinal board shall not be severely bent during a test in accordance with EN 1865:2000, chapter.5.7.2.


3 Requirements for suitable lifting stretcher for transport of the spinal board:


1The stretcher shall be equipped with at least 3 handles on each long side and at least 1 handle on the foot and the head of the stretcher.


2The handles shall be easy to reach and provide a secure hold when lifting, lowering and carrying the stretcher.


3The surface of the stretcher shall be designed to hinder fluid penetration. The material shall be easy to clean, washable and contain mineral oil as well as be resistant to temporary X-ray diagnostic.It shall be able to stand temperatures of +70 °C to -30 °C.

4The stretcher shall be equipped with harness for horizontal and vertical lift.


5There shall be at least 4 quick-release means of securing the patient.


6Foot rest for support during vertical lift.


7The stretcher’s own weight shall be as low as possible.


8The carrying capacity shall be minimum 150 kg.



End Notes


1.The scantling number is stipulated in accordance with the in force at any time Notice F from the Faroese Maritime Authority on smaller commercial vessels, Chapter 1, rule 2, No 18, i.e. for fishing vessels Loa x B and for other vessels L1 x B.


2.The rules on the Faroese medicine chest are based on the “EU medicine chest” in accordance with the European Council Directive 92/29/EEC and on the Danish rules in Notices A from the Danish Maritime Authority, chapter IX, part B.

3.Mentioned publications and other Danish reading mentioned in this Notice, is published by  the Danish Maritime Authority and may be bought from the publisher Iver C. Weilbach & Co. A/S Toldbogade 35, DK-1253 København K, phone +45 33 34 35 69, fax: 45 33 34 35 61, email:nautical@weilbach.dk, homepage www.weilbach.dk

4.User Constructions for the Contents of Ship’s Medicine chest A andThe Maritime Medical Manual respectively.

5.In accordance with the in force at any time Notice from the Faroese Maritime Authority on coast rescue vessels.

6.The European Council Directive 92/29 EEC on the minimum safety and health requirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels.

7.The term “medical treatment” means both in connection with sickness and injury.

8.”Owner” means owner of the vessel, or other person or company, who operates the vessel on behalf of the shipowner.

9.Phone: +45 75 45 67 66 , Fax +45 75 45 67 50,

Email: radio.medical.danmark@svs.regionsyddanmark.dk

Webpage: www.radiomedical.eu

10. STCW Convention:International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers”.











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