Faroese Maritime Authority (FMA) http://www.fma.fo/en
The Government of the Faroe Islands http://www.government.fo
Vinnuháskúlin http://www.vh.fo/en
Navit http://www.navit.fo/courses_eng
Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) http://www.dma.dk
Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) http://www.sjofartsdir.no/en
Swedish Maritime Authority (SMA) http://sjofartsverket.se/en
Icelandic Transport Authority (ITA) http://www.icetra.is
IMO (International Maritime Organization) http://www.imo.org
ILO (International Labour Organization) http://www.ilo.org
EU (Europe Union) http://www.europa.eu


Á Hillingartanga 2, 360 Sandavágur
Tel +298 35 56 00


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