(Notice F – 15 July 2018)


Translation: Only the Faroese text has legal validity


Section 1. In executive order no. 39 of 5 April 2017 from the Faroese Maritime Authority on construction and equipment, etc. of small commercial vessels (Notice F) the following amendments shall be made:

See amendments in enclosed annex I to this executive order:

Section 2. This executive order shall enter into force on 15 July 2018.


Faroese Maritime Authority, 6 July 2018

Hans Johannes á Brúgv


            / Gunnvá S. á Lofti



Annex 1

In annex 2 to executive order no. 39 of 5 April 2017 from the Faroese Maritime Authority on construction and equipment, etc. of small commercial vessels (Notice F) the following amendments shall be made:


1.      Chapter 1, regulation 7, paragraph 7.2. shall be repealed.

Subsequently, paragraph 7.3 shall become paragraph 7.2.


2.      Chapter IV, regulation 4, paragraph 4.13.4, shall be as follows:

4.13.4 The shipowner/master shall ensure that the ongoing inspections, etc., including pressure tests as described in paragraph 4.13.2, are carried out by a person/company who is familiar with the task and has knowledge about the regulations applicable in this area. The inspections shall be documented on board through the initiative of the ship management."


3.      Chapter IV, regulation 14, paragraph 14.28, shall be as follows:

“14.28 At any new installation or after major repairs, insulation measurements shall be carried out by an authorised person/company cf. the Danish Safety Technology Authority’s regulation on this matter.”


4.      Chapter V, regulation 12, paragraph 11, shall be as follows:

"11 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems, including fire-detection systems, shall be inspected every second year by a person/company who is familiar with the task and has the required knowledge about the regulations applicable in this area. The inspection shall be documented on board."



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